:: glory days ::
August 27, 2008, 11:28 pm
Filed under: life, things that suck, work

have found myself in a miserable mood for no reason.. how annoying..

tork had the idea of opening her own pet cremation business a month or so ago and has found herself with funding and support from similar businesses and will be up and running by the end of september and as much as i’m happy for her i’m also really really jealous that she’s managed to get it going so easily.. for those who don’t know tork, she’s always been my token slacker friend who has spent her entire life on government payments under the guise of being a professional ( tho as yet unpublished ) writer..

and now out of the blue she’s going to have her own business that’s easily going to turn a profit in her previously cremationless area and is basically a jammy little git.. but i love her, and really do wish her all the best with it.. it’s going to be hard for her to run a business with me tearing her hair out and gouging the spark of a charmed life out of her eyes with my thumbs, so fingers crossed she makes a good go of it..

*hugs her*

my boss asked me the other day how i thought my progress was going, and i told her i was disappointed with myself for taking so long to learn the ins and outs of the pos software they use.. she said that she’s never seen anyone pick it up so fast, but i explained that i’m used to seeing things ONCE and then being confident in doing it myself, so the fact that i had to ask questions about things i’d already been told and was hesitating serving custies on my second shift really annoyed me..

now to be honest, i was just being a bit of a humble, self critical wanker cos i figured it would sound better than me saying what i was really thinking which was ‘it’s basically a piece of piss, and if the owner decided to hire a monkey it could do this job and your job while wiping it’s arse with the instruction manual and making a fruit salad‘.. but that would’ve been rude, hey ?

the strange thing was that after i said the wanky statement i realized that part of me IS disappointed in myself for not picking up the pos software on the first go.. then i got depressed that what i thought was a wanky thing to say was a 100% accurate thought in my head, and it could mean that i am in fact a total wanker..


still, the other statement about the monkey rings true as well, so at least i’m a wanker who knows how pathetic her job really is..


i had my hot water heater fixed today.. the story of my water heater is a long and boring one, so i’ll give you the short version..

:: hot water heater was dripping – who gives a fuck ? water restrictions can blow me
:: mother tried to ‘fix’ the drip by attacking it with a wrench
:: hot water heater started dribbling a constant trickle
:: a-ko still didn’t give a shit cos she’s too broke to call a plumber anyway
:: mother freaked out and went ON AND ON about the concrete foundations being constantly wet and blah blah blah
:: a-ko decided to charge a plumber to her credit card just to shut her mother up
:: plumber came, saw and conquered
:: a-ko is now $450 further in the red

oh wait – THAT’s why i’m in a fucking miserable mood.. i’ma go eat some more of my emotions, watch more roger ramjet and feel sorry for myself..

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